Layercake Vision


Do you get frustrated with most of what (and how) the fashion industry offers?
To find an interesting top at a store and, having had a think about it, returning to buy a couple of weeks later only to find that the entire collection has changed? Or that, if it is still available, it just doesn't feel right, it doesn't seem to suit or fit the way you were expecting it to? Something is missing: 


This is the core of Layercake. It drives the "every-body-happy" tagline.
Making you feel comfortable, confident and at ease. Who wants to worry about how you need to carry your body to make your clothes look good? Nobody should have to conform to their clothes, it should be the other way around: your clothes need to conform to you! Layercake garments do exactly that; great pieces that stand the test of time in terms of quality and style. Blending in with the endlessly varying personalities of its wearers. We love hearing that contented sigh coming from a smiling bod in front of the mirror with the words: "THIS is ME!"


You won't ever get as many compliments on your looks as when you wear Layercake. That is Layercake alchemy at work, making you feel great. And when you feel great, you look great.

Layercake garments are made of high quality fabrics and constructed in a way that is aimed to last for years of good service. They are created from the belief in craftsmanship, experience, tradition and the immeasurable value of a well-trained eye when it comes to styling in colours and shapes.


Layercake garments make you feel good, about who you are, what you do and how you look. When you feel good, you look good. You radiate it and the people around you pick up on this.

Layercake pieces are functional and stylish, practical and sophisticated, timeless and edgy.

They blend with the rest of your wardrobe rather than clash with it and they last.


Please consider repairing your Layercake garments when they get damaged, adding to their appeal and their individuality. Rather than buying a new dress, first explore the option of giving the one you have a new lease of life. We encourage you to do so, a philosophy that doesn't sit well in the fashion industry. Which is one of the reasons we are still the only place where you can buy Layercake. Meanwhile we keep adding interesting and unusual products to complement the collection. Like embroidery yarns and needles to encourage you to individualise your Layercake garments (and/or repair them if necessary).


If our standard size range does not work for you, we will make you a Layercake to order, keeping your measurements on file so they can be replicated for future orders. Layercake is a TRULY size inclusive label, using the fact that it is TINY to our advantage by offering a highly individualised service and short turnaround times. The number of different garments we can produce is limited so we strive to balance continuity with fresh, new designs. These self-imposed constraints mean there is no advertising budget, yet the number of people moved to try a Layercake and then coming back for more is growing steadily, boosting our confidence to keep going.


Layercake is part of the wave of garment designers, manufacturers and retailers that believes in a fair, sustainable way of creating clothes. To find out more, read about and/or follow Fashion Revolution ( and @fash_rev on Instagram).

So - if you are moved to try a Layercake, please help spread the word and tell others about the rag-tag-line of Layercake Lovers that is slowly growing, all around the world.