100 White
104 Cream
106 Ceruse
116 Light Blue Grey
118 Kaolin
124 Pearl Grey
126 Dust Grey
145 Medium Grey
165 Steel
170 Ash Grey
180 Black
200 Dark Brown
210 Otter
218 Buff
257 Light Beige
290 Sand (D)
305 String
310 Seal
318 Sand
322 Barley
327 Canary
360 Gold
368 Ochre
370 Camel
377 Red Lead
380 Tango
387 Mandarine
412 Banana
414 Saffron
422 Mustard
435 Hazelnut
444 Cognac
450 Copper
452 Garnet
456 Bordeaux
646 Rust
475 Burgundy
484 Reseda
488 Khaki
492 Brown
506 Cherry
510 Red
532 Raspberry
534 Vermillion
536 Redcurrant
538 Fuchsia
540 Violet
542 Plum
555 Oleander
565 Flesh
570 Salmon
586 Pink
596 Dusky Pink
602 Baby Pink
603 Cyclamen
604 Mauve
615 Lupin
618 Blackcurrant
626 Sloe
645 Dark Navy
648 Navy
655 Royal
690 Lavender
696 Airforce
700 Nattier
705 Gobelin
722 Gentian
731 Ocean
732 Gaulaoise
735 Enamel
740 Azure
746 Turquoise
760 Duck
762 Petrol
785 Lime
800 Emerald
802 Pistachio
814 Sage
815 Almond
835 Bottle
840 Army Green
841 Lichen
843 Lime Tree
845 Fern
855 Leaf
868 Lawn
878 Forest
880 Cactus
885 Ivy Green
890 Dark Green
912 Grey
914 Slate
916 Anthracite Grey
922 Bark
930 Marble Blue
945 Shetland Green
Complete Collection (one of each colour, 96 in total)

Sajou Laine St. Pierre Darning Wool

Regular price £2.75
Tax included.

2 ready to ship

Laine Saint-Pierre has been part of Sajou's Fil au Chinois for many decades. It is strong darning wool made of four strands. It is also used for a wide range of embroidery projects.

It is made of 50% wool, 50% polyamide and it is very solid and easy to use, unlike some other (cheaper!) darning wools which twist and knot as you work with them. They are certainly worth the price difference.

The colours remain fast and there is a great selection of 96 colours to choose from.

Sold in lengths of 10 metres per card as well as a collection box with one card per shade (96 cards in total).